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BricsCAD:Venture beyond the AutoCAD horizon

BricsCAD is not just another AutoCAD alternative

BricsCAD  is not just another AutoCAD alternative


Venture beyond the AutoCAD horizon

It's easy to switch from AutoCAD to BricsCAD. Import your current customizations in minutes. You can be familiar with BricsCAD in an hour, and proficient in a day.


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Move to BricsCAD in minutes

Make your Bricsys account, download BricsCAD and install it side-by-side with your current CAD program. You’ll see how easy it is to change your CAD software!

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Compare BricsCAD to AutoCAD

BricsCAD offers a whole new world for those who venture beyond the AutoCAD horizon. Among its growing community of users, BricsCAD is best known for its feature-rich combination of 2D drawing and 3D modeling.

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* Dynamic Blocks:

If you insert AutoCAD dynamic blocks into your BricsCAD drawing, you can, in most cases, edit those block instances. You cannot, however, create or edit dynamic block definitions in BricsCAD. Instead of offering dynamic block functionality, BricsCAD focuses entirely on parametrics. It allows you to create both 2D and 3D block definitions using the same set of tools and workflow.

** Network Licensing:

Network licensing is available at an additional cost.

*** 3D MCAD Data Exchange:

Activated with the additional Communicator for BricsCAD module.



BricsCAD is super fast

It feels a lot faster, but the numbers will blow you away.

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