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Exotic & Palm Trees:There are five variations available for each of the species to create a comprehensive library of 50 trees

A collection of ten species of exotic Mediterranean and Tropical trees including photo-scanned trunk geometry and leaf textures.

Exotic & Palm Trees


We’ve just released Exotic and Pam Trees, a new collection for The3dGarden, our exclusive range of high quality tree and foliage models. This new instalment consists of eight species of exotic Mediterranean and Tropical trees including photo-scanned trunk geometry and leaf textures. There are five variations available for each of the species to create a comprehensive library of 50 trees.

A collection of ten species of exotic Mediterranean and Tropical trees including photo-scanned trunk geometry and leaf textures. There are five variations available for each of the species to create a comprehensive library of 50 trees.


  • Photoscanned trunk geometry and leaf textures.
  • Materials included for V-Ray 3.0 and above and Corona Render 1.6 and higher.
  • This library is designed to be tightly integrated with Forest Pack.
  • Diffuse, glossiness, normal, opacity and translucency maps provided.
  • Texture variation using Forest Colour.
  • .max file format compatible with 3ds Max 2014 and higher.

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