The shape of Water
Pan’s Labyrinth
Crimson Peak
“If one could marry a program-or even elope with one -I would choose Final Draft. After all it has been a wise , patient and loyal writing partner that has been by my side for almost fifteen years.”
Guillermo del Toro-Writer/Director/Producer/Academy Award Winner
Star Wars: The Force Awakens
“Even if you don’t own a computer, I recommend buying Final Draft.”
JJ Abrams- Writer/Director/Producer/Emmy Award Winner
The Beguiled
Marie Antoinette
The Virgin Suicides
“Final Draft makes it so much easier-and it’s motivating when what you’re working on looks like a script.”
Sofia Coppola- Writer/Director/Producer/Academy Award Winner
Walk the Line
Girl, Interrupted
“Final Draft is a program made to perform one task with excellence-the writing of a screenplay-by people who support Final Draft users with passion and understanding.”
James Mangold- Writer/Director/Producer/Academy Award Nominee
The Intern
It’s Complicated
Father of the Bride
“Final Draft actually makes getting to the final draft faster, easier and more fun than any other screenwriting program I’ve tried. I love it!”
Writer/Director/Producer/Academy Award Nominee
Advanced Brainstorming
With Final Draft 11, you can brainstorm, visualize, report, tag, collaborate and customize your writing environment like never before.
Limitless space to organize your ideas in a customizable, visual way. Plan set pieces, store character research, and much more.
1. Beats can be anything – plot points, character arcs, research, location ideas
2. Beats can contain both stylized text and images
3. Drag content to and from your script and Beat Board, preserving formatting
4. Color code for easy reference with a vibrant color palette
Connect your Beat Board ideas to your script. Keep on track with visual guideposts to your story.
Streamlined Writing and Editing
Final Draft 11 automatically paginates and formats screenplays to industry standards, allowing writers to focus on what they do best: writing.
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