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V-Ray for Maya: A powerful and professional renderer for artists!

The next major release of V-Ray will be smarter, faster and even better.


The next major release of V-Ray will be smarter, faster and even better.

Here’s a look at some of the new features available in V-Ray Next for Maya, beta 3.


NEW — NVIDIA AI denoiser in Viewport IPR

The NVIDIA AI denoiser is now available for interactive rendering with V-Ray IPR in the viewport.


NEW — Debug shading/Isolate selected

Quickly isolate selected textures and materials to help debug large shading networks in IPR.


NEW — GPU bucket rendering

Adds support for Cryptomatte render elements.


NEW — V-Ray Layered Texture

This powerful tool layers textures with blend modes and individual masking controls.


Faster IPR

Redesigned IPR for faster feedback and continuous updates when moving the camera or working on animation.


Adaptive Dome Light

Faster and more accurate image-based environment lighting based on V-Ray Scene Intelligence.


Physical hair material

Render more realistic-looking hair with accurate highlights and new glint and glitter controls.


2x faster GPU rendering

Fast new GPU rendering architecture that now supports more high-end production features.


GPU Volume Rendering

V-Ray GPU now supports blazing fast rendering of volumetric effects like smoke, fire and fog.


Layered Alembic support

Now supporting Alembic 1.7 and layers for efficient handling and updating of Alembic data.


Toon shader

Create non-photorealistic cartoon and cel shading effects. Now with new advanced line controls.



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