AutoModellerPro:BrandNew Multi-threaded Plugin for 3ds Max |Powerful PaintingFeature、EmbeddedSeamlessly into the 3ds Max User Interface,Advancedand Ease of Use!
Using3D Meshes as Textures in 3ds Max
AutoModellerPro is a brand new incredibly advanced, game-changing, multi-threadedplugin for 3ds Max (2010-2018) that allows you to apply or paint agroup of meshes as "geometry-texture" onto yourexisting scene geometry. This is similar to displacement mapping, youcan control tiling, positioning etc. using UV mapping , just as youwould with a regular 2D texture. Depending on the setting the objectswill automatically be sliced, soft-sliced, scaled or deformed at theborders and can also be deformed to smoothly wrap around thecurvature of the target object.
Powerfuland easy to use painting features
AutoModellerPro comes with very powerful painting capabilities that allow you topaint any geometry texture on any object in the scene without havingto set up anything. Just select the geometry-texture and paint on anyobject in the scene. You can also combine multiple different geometrytextures this way, using a powerful replacement-brush any previouslypainted objects will automatically be replaced when you paint overthem.
Createincredible architecture within seconds
UsingAutoModeller Pro you can create impressive architecture just with afew clicks, whether it is a SciFi space station, a fantasy castle ormodern architecture, AutoModeller Pro can be used for anything, yourimagination is the limit! AutoModeller uses MultiThreadingextensively and is capable of deforming high poly meshes in realtime.
Automaticrealtime updates
Ifyou make any changes to the geometry texture or the target geometryor the target UV mapping you can track those changes in realtimeusing auto-update functionality :
Incredibleborder slicing/deformation features
AutoModellerPro is cabable of automatically deforming and slicing high polymeshes at the borders of any target object, which is an incrediblypowerful modelling tool. Also the software is capable of deforminghigh-poly meshes to fit onto any surface including curved surfacessuch as cylinders in realtime.
Createmassive scenes with the AutoModeller Pro Preview Mode
Usingthe AutoModeller Pro Preview Mode you can build huge scenes, withthis mode activated any results of objects you are not currentlypainting on are automatically hidden, this way you can build massivescenes (until you run out of RAM). AutoModeller Pro is capable ofautomatically deleting any previous objects prior to scene-saving andyou can regenerate them with a single click once you reopen thescene, this saves both disk-space and improves loading timesdrastically.
Instances& Preview-Mode for Maximum Performance
Tomaximize performance AutoModeller Pro fully supports instances and italso comes with a multi-threaded Attach-Mode which allows you toquickly convert any generated mesh into a proxy object which you canthen use to as a painting object to create an even bigger scene.
Intuitiveand embedded User Interface
AutoModellerPro is embedded seamlessly into the 3ds Max user interface and thewindows can be dynamically docked and undocked with a single clickwhenever you're done using them, so that they are not occupyingunnecessary space on your screen.
Whatare you waiting for?
Thereare rarely any big innovations being made to 3D modelling softwarethese days and despite new versions being released each year, theyrarely bring any signficant changes or improvements. We considerAutoModeller Pro to be a very imporant, ground breaking technologyand a worthwhile investment for any serious 3D artist. So make sureyou don't miss out on a game-changing tool and try the demo versionnow !
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