Transformed from Flash to animation film, Chinese animation Big Fish & Begonia was finally released on July 8th 2016. From Monkey King: Hero Is Back in 2015 and Big Fish & Begonia in 2016, we can see that the progress of Chinese Animation is really faster and faster and the development is getting increasingly better.
We have to say that it is exciting to see that the domestic animation has such a great progress. Seeing the fabulous screen of Big Fish & Begonia, we can feel the magic of 2D original hand-painted animation. In this ear that three-dimensional, film and television special effects occupy the animation market, Big Fish & Begonia can let audiences fell the charm of 2D animation art.
Transformed from Flash to animation film, Chinese animation Big Fish & Begonia was finally released on July 8th 2016. From Monkey King: Hero Is Back in 2015 and Big Fish & Begonia in 2016, we can see that the progress of Chinese Animation is really faster and faster and the development is getting increasingly better.
We have to say that it is exciting to see that the domestic animation has such a great progress. Seeing the fabulous screen of Big Fish & Begonia, we can feel the magic of 2D original hand-painted animation. In this ear that three-dimensional, film and television special effects occupy the animation market, Big Fish & Begonia can let audiences fell the charm of 2D animation art.
In July of 2016, Toon Boom released Harmony 14 version, which brought more powerful weapon to the production of 2D animation. As the leading 2D animation software provider, Toon Boom’s customers are from all over the world. Disney, DreamWorks Studio and CCTV’s animation department are all its fans. Besides, Harmony is not only the magic weapon of corporation’s production, but also the useful tools of Colleges’ education. Algonquin College in Canada, Central Academy of Fine Arts in China and many other colleges all have its animation production curriculums.
Toon Boom Harmony not only has traditional animation production tools, but also has advanced cut-out split workflow. It provides the all-around tools and applications for 2D animation production. The latest 14 version has many updates according to the needs of users and can involve the 3D animation better. This version’s painting, coloring, animation tools and accelerated production process allows animators to enjoy their creativity and imagination.
New funcitons:
image synthesis in depth
You can achieve better quality when using 3D animation function and render 2D animation in Harmony.
Now it supports Arnold and Renderman’s rendering images.
Make animation for 3D model
You can make animation for the entire 3D model and its every part directly in Harmony. No more importation and exportation of 3D software.
Synchronize drawing layers
You can make binding animation for more effectively for the wireless animation layer.
Backup position
Quickly add the key pose of a persona to the scene from the Preset Pose Library
OpenGL Pencil transparency parameters
Change the transparency of pencil’s lines to view the full-colored area more easily. It is very useful when using the texture of pencil, because it can avoid overlapped color filling.
Support multi layers’ PSD files
Each channel now supports 16 bits.
Support PSB files
Supporting PSB (Photoshop Big) files exported from Photoshop.
Webbc (create users, control the production of animation and visualize the rendering sequence and production status)
Can update scenes when doing the remote work.
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