Organic Motion’s OpenStage 2 was developed to be the easiest-to-use, most cost-effective professional motion capture system available.
No markers means zero setup time.
Professional quality accuracy
Produces data in realtime
Military and law enforcement agencies are leveraging our LIVE motion capture technology to recreate authentic training scenarios. LIVE allows them to interact with digitally animated characters in training scenarios in a natural and intuitive way.
Produce a greater level of realism into urban warfare and special ops training
Decreases the many costs associated with live role-players
Project digitally animated characters securely into the next room or anywhere in the world.
With our markerless motion capture systems, complicated calibrations and time-consuming setups are now a thing of the past. Universities around the world are now leveraging our systems to allow all of their students to participate in the motion capture process.
No setup time means all students can participate
Easy to use and therefore no need for additional personnel
Futuristic technology creates awareness and attention
Sport Science labs, all the way to medical treatment facilities are using Organic Motion’s advanced markerless motion capture technology to allow computers to accurately see, understand, and quantify human motion.
See more patients by eliminating time consuming setup times
Receive accurate and actionable data in real time
Eliminate the difficulty of applying markers to patients with physical limitations
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