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What are Bricsys LGS components?

Bricsys offers two families of components for constraint management: LGS 2D and LGS 3D

Bricsys offers two families of components for constraint management: LGS 2D and LGS 3D. They can be embedded into any end-user software. The Bricsys LGS 2D and 3D components are available in binary form for several platforms: 32 and 64 bit Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other OS. Please contact us to discuss licensing conditions specific to your business.

Using the Bricsys LGS component technology

Using the Bricsys LGS component technology, any company or individual can add support for constraint management into their CAD, CAM or CAE software with minimal development cost and a short time to market. Bricsys offers two families of components for constraint management: LGS 2D and LGS 3D.


Geometric, dimensional, and engineering constraints play a fundamental role in modern CAD, CAM and CAE software. They are used to specify and keep interrelations between geometric elements of any 2D/3D CAD model, and thus allow users not only to significantly reduce design time, but also to express their design intent, vastly simplifying future changes in geometry.


Please contact us to discuss licensing conditions specific to your business.

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