Distribute bushes along Splines
It is also possible to distribute items along splines at set intervals. In this scene we used this technique to add all the hedges, here’s how.
1. Go to the Create Panel and select Forest Lite or Forest Pro. Change the creation mode to Icon. This is useful when you want to use any of the non map-based distribution techniques.
2. Click and drag in the scene to add a Forest Object.
3. In the Modify panel, go to the Geometry rollout and click + to add a new Item. Pick the geometry from the scene. In our example the hedge is a bit small, so I also increased the Scale to 490%.
4. Go to the Distribution rollout. Here you’ll find a drop-down menu that allows you to select from 4 possible modes. Select Path and then click on the + button and select a spline from the scene to add a new path from the list. For multiple splines, there’s also an Add Multiple option.
5. You can then adjust the distance between objects using the Spacing property. You also have the option for the items to Rotate and Follow the spline on and X and/or Y axes.
6. If you like, you could also add a little Scale randomisation from the Transform rollout.
Exactly the same procedure was used in this scene to add the Poplar trees alongside the drive and the light poles in the foreground.
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